Monday, July 4, 2016

I Gave Table 11 a Shower

Well it finally happened.

I was dropping four waters off at my table and didn't think about how I was taking them off of my tray (rookie mistake) and my tray flipped and the water dumped all over me, my table and my customers.

This was the first time I have ever done that and I was already close to being in the weeds and I just wanted to melt into a puddle. They were super nice about it. They were foreign and spoke so softly and proper with their accents even after the spill. Of course they still had their menus so everything was soaked.

The father was really nice about it, but the mother looked at me like I was a cockroach and it made me feel almost ashamed. I know it isn't good but I pretty much avoided them as much as I could for the rest of the time I have been there.

I have been so stressed with school this week that I go into work extra-stressed and I feel like bad things just keep happening to me, like I can't catch a break.

The other night, my one table had a huge chunk of spaghetti stuck together and it took forever for the kitchen to fix it, then someone stole one of my dishes for another table so it took double the time to make the thing that someone else took. I was so angry I took the time to hunt them down and give them shit for not reading the ticket. I had four seniors with a grandchild and they were trying to nickel and dime everything and had a bunch of MOD's on their senior meals.

I just need a break. I am officially halfway through my summer break which means I am halfway through working there.

My your trays be balanced and your modified dishes be made right the first time,

- A

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