Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Will The Madness Ever End?!

I have three papers due next week and I work every day for the rest of the week.

Paper one: 3 pages (not bad)
Paper two: 1500 - 2000 words (doable)
Paper three: 6500 words (WHAT?)

I am trying to tackle the third paper right now and as I am working through it, I can't stop thinking about how I will hardly be able to work on them after tomorrow because I work 2 split shifts this weekend  and a pre-close (hello tips, goodbye GPA). I haven't even begun to look at the first two papers.

Why is being a student so difficult? It's summer school so these courses are moving super quick so trying to be on top of it plus work at least four shifts a week has been getting really over-whelming. The restaurant asked me to pick up a shift today and tomorrow and I told them I could do tomorrow (which I am starting to regret), but hopefully the tips will be good and make up for it. I worked on Monday night and it was so busy. Apparently it has been like that all week so they are trying to add staff to the floor. This is the second last week of these courses though and after that I will be starting a new one but thankfully it will only be one course. I think it'll be a lot more manageable.

So while I sit in this chair for the next 6 hours, please say a prayer to the paper gods for me!

- A


  1. well, you'll be a tired bunny, but just get as much as you can as fast as you can! don't let yourself procrastinate, the sooner you start, the sooner you finish. Good luck!
