Monday, October 3, 2016

No, the customer isn't always right

So I worked my first real shift on my own at the diner yesterday and I was sordove surprised to see how things ran.

I have only worked for chains and in the chains, anything the customer wants goes. They can pretty much create their own dishes. Companies just want their customers to be satisfied no matter the strain it puts on employees.

Here, the same rules do not exist. I had a woman ask for one poached egg and an english muffin. I asked the owner how to ring it in and she said she doesn't do that. She said, "the customers can't create their own meals, that's why we make the menu. If she wants that, we have to charge her for two eggs (because it's a menu item) and explain it to her". I was a little surprised that they wouldn't accommodate for her. I just thought when you are a small business, you want to do what the customer wants to make sure you keep getting business.

She didn't end up ordering anything so we essentially lost money from that. At the end of the day, I don't find this to be a big deal. In fact, it makes my life easier because what you see is what you get. I was just surprised to see how it runs that way.

I won't be working for the next two weeks as I am about to get my first break of school and go home for the week so that'll be a nice break!

School is really kicking my butt. I just had a midterm today and have another on Thursday plus a paper due tomorrow!

Hang in there fellow students,


- A


  1. my experience has been the opposite! When I worked at the diner, waitresses would give their customers whatever they wanted, in order to acquire "regulars." Then, when another server waited on them and told them they couldn't do that, the owner would just bend over backwards.
    Now, at corporate, a legit complaint might get a coupon or something taken off the bill, but if someone is complaining just to complain.. nope!

    Have fun on your break!

  2. I thought it would be like that too! Maybe this place is just unique that way. and thank you! This break is much needed.
