Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sick sick sick

I had to call in sick today at the diner because I am another victim claimed by the December flu bug going around :(

Of course it is cold and flu season and being stressed with finals, papers and applying to grad schools probably made my immune system non-existent. All you can do is rest, bundle up and drink a lot of fluids.

Next weekend I work Saturday and Sunday so at least I will still be making some money! The diner hasn't been as busy and we have had an extra server on. That's the only reason why I was able to call in sick today. The owner knew we wouldn't be as busy and could spare a server so that's good.

I am continuing to plow through school since I have a cruise to look forward to. I finished my 30 page paper last night that's due on Tuesday. I don't think I have ever handed in an assignment early but man does it feel good!

So I guess other than this nasty cold, I'm doing alright.

Happy holidays, friends. I HOPE the holiday tipper comes your way just in time for Christmas.


- A

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I've got a guardian angel

Hi friends!

SO a couple of things. I will talk about my shift on Sunday first which was nuts.

So I started an hour earlier and we had an extra person on because my owner knew it would be chaotic due to an event going on at the high school near by. We got slammed but it went smoothly. UNTIL all of the other servers were cut and it was just me.

The way it works at the diner is once it gets quieter, the owner transfers the (cut) servers tables over to the next person and so on. My owner just cut everyone though even though 75% of the tables were other servers and I kept getting new tables. So I had to keep track of whose tables were whose because they still get their tips. I was so weeded. One server didn't even put a tables order in and left and I was so busy I couldn't get to them and find out that they were waiting over an hour for breakfast. My owner ended up finding out. She didn't blame me for anything though, she knew I was left with a huge mess.

I really don't know why we can't finish our tables when we are cut because this system is whack. I'm sure it helps to keep labour costs down and that's important in a small place like this but I think that there needs to be changes in regards to that.

In other news though, I was griping at how poor I am just in time for the holidays and my owner asked me if I could work both days of the weekend (which means she thinks I'm good). So I will be making double the money just in time for the holidays.

My parents told me yesterday that they want to take me on a cruise over my Christmas break so things are looking up for this poor little burnt out student.

Happy (early) holidays my friends,


- A

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Help me, I'm poor

So as November comes to a close, so does my bank account.

I'm so poor! School has drained me of all of my money

well that and pizza.

I feel that I work the same amount of time that I worked at my old place last year but I just can't make any money! I love the diner but I just don't make enough money!

They asked me to come in an hour early for all of my shifts because they're getting busier so that's good at least!

and with the Christmas season coming up, the owner might need people to work during the week (she usually works alone during the week and only has people during the weekend) so I put my name in so maybe she can give me some more shifts just for the Christmas season.

Is anyone else starting to feel the stress of Christmas?


- A

Saturday, November 5, 2016

A day late and a dollar short

So if you are familiar with post-secondary education, you must understand that the month of November is when all of the school fun stops because you are just being completely bombarded with assignments and midterms.

This semester is not holding back. Every time I feel like I got a bit ahead, I realize that there is no such thing as being ahead, but just 2 steps away from the monster that is chasing you and hot on your trail.

Work is good. I wish I was working more than one three hour shift a week. I did that at my old place and usually took home around 80 dollars a shift. I seem to average 50 at the diner which just isn't cutting it.

I have a bit of a funny story for you that I've been trying to find time to write about. A couple weeks ago I was changing and refilling the little bottles of hot sauce that we keep on the tables at the diner. One had been clogged so I aimed it at the sink and squeezed it as hard as I could. Like a complete idiot.

Of course it came out and I was squeezing the bottle so much that it splattered all over the place and hit me in the face, eyes, pretty much my entire upper body. I literally finished my shift splattered in hot sauce. My skin was burning (I took the time to wash it out of my eyes at least) and a customer had the nerve to laugh and call me a chicken wing.

Let's just say when I came home, my roommates became hysterical over my bad luck and poor decisions.


These last couple of weeks have just felt like two steps forward one step back. At least we are slowly getting closer to Christmas break. I finish exams really early this semester so I will get to enjoy the Christmas season without being covered in hives resulting from school stress (true story).

If you are in school, it sucks but just keep going! We are in the darkest part of the tunnel but when the light begins to show, you'll forget how far down you were.

and if you're a server. I hope you at least have a funny experience because even serving can suck your soul dry sometimes.


- A

Sunday, October 16, 2016

I'm not sorry for being new

Hey readers,

I hardly enjoyed the week off. I spent it procrastinating and stressing about the assignments I have due this week and am now left with that mess to clean up. But that's not what this blog is about. I worked another shift at the diner today, which may be my 4th shift there (I could be wrong). I am still a baby at this place and the menu is huge.

I had a table of 6 come in that looked my age. I was on top of serving them, but when it came to taking their orders, I had to ask other workers the questions that my customers had. I told them that I am still very new (and when I do that, customers are usually super kind and patient) but these people were rude and actually made me feel a bit stupid.

One of the girls who paid for 2 bills didn't even tip me and when it happened, I felt pretty shitty about myself. Obviously they didn't like their service.

And then it hit me.

F*ck you.

Seriously. I'm just a student whose busting her ass in school full time, working and volunteering. I put my all into my job but I am also very new and I know I do my best. So f*ck you if you don't see that while I might not have been the best, I was truly trying my best.

You can keep your 10% tip.

I just don't give myself enough credit sometimes.


- A

Monday, October 3, 2016

No, the customer isn't always right

So I worked my first real shift on my own at the diner yesterday and I was sordove surprised to see how things ran.

I have only worked for chains and in the chains, anything the customer wants goes. They can pretty much create their own dishes. Companies just want their customers to be satisfied no matter the strain it puts on employees.

Here, the same rules do not exist. I had a woman ask for one poached egg and an english muffin. I asked the owner how to ring it in and she said she doesn't do that. She said, "the customers can't create their own meals, that's why we make the menu. If she wants that, we have to charge her for two eggs (because it's a menu item) and explain it to her". I was a little surprised that they wouldn't accommodate for her. I just thought when you are a small business, you want to do what the customer wants to make sure you keep getting business.

She didn't end up ordering anything so we essentially lost money from that. At the end of the day, I don't find this to be a big deal. In fact, it makes my life easier because what you see is what you get. I was just surprised to see how it runs that way.

I won't be working for the next two weeks as I am about to get my first break of school and go home for the week so that'll be a nice break!

School is really kicking my butt. I just had a midterm today and have another on Thursday plus a paper due tomorrow!

Hang in there fellow students,


- A

Saturday, September 24, 2016

You really like me?!

Hey readers!

I finally had my second shift today and I served a 2 table section. I was a little hesitant because I hardly know the menu still. I've been slacking because school has already gotten crazy. Serving tables there is so different from my summer place. It was nice and easy going. The tips weren't too bad either! I got a 15 dollar tip on a 20 dollar bill. The girl who was watching over me was like "what the hell!". I tend to make good tips, I've noticed :).

This place actually makes me feel like a valuable person. All of the other places treated me like an easily replaceable cookie cut-out but this place actually asks me questions that are to ensure that I am doing alright and enjoying my work experience. It's really a nice change. The owners are so nice.

Overall, I'm excited to go back next weekend. The owner said she wasn't expecting me to be that good and now is going to give me a regular section. She said she could tell that I was nervous but I could still do it. She really understands me haha.

I hope you're all doing well!


- A

Monday, September 19, 2016

My Toenail is Black o.0

So I have only worked one shift at the diner so far because I went home for the last weekend and have been waiting for my next shift next weekend. I've been super excited until I dropped my laptop the other day and it hit the base of the nail of my big toe and it instantly turned the nail black and it was all bloody...

I can hardly walk on it and all I am worried about is how I am going to work this weekend! I have been looking forward to it this whole time and I can't even wear close-toed shoes right now. Here's hoping that I can by Saturday!

Other than that, nothing new has happened. School has been consistent and boring so no new funny stories. I just wanted to leave a little update for my loyal readers.


- A

Monday, September 12, 2016

They had an electric orange juicer!

So I got the job!

Apparently she loved me right away and knew she wanted to hire me. The menu test was only a way of getting me to seriously study the menu so I could be more prepared. I worked my first shift yesterday morning. They didn't have me serving really. I just sat tables, bussed a lot, ran some food and helped the other servers with their stuff. It was a good way to just get a feel for the place.

So I'm happy. I really like the staff, they are all so nice and friendly. It was just a good experience.

And it was A LOT busier than I would have expected. It was pretty busy for like a solid 2 hours of my shift (I worked 3). So I could make decent tips, especially since turnover is probably pretty quick because it's breakfast.

So here is to a new chapter and a lot of new stories!


- A

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Well the restaurant didn't even email me back. Isn't that always lovely.

I just wish they didn't avoid it so much and just address it. It seems a bit unprofessional to me, but who am I to complain?

I actually got an interview on the spot today at a mom and pop place down the street from me and she seemed to really love me. She gave me a piece of the menu (an all day breakfast menu) to have memorized for Saturday. It sounded like if I did a good job with it, she would take me on. Little does she know she was talking to a person who memorizes 15 pages of brain function review notes three days before an exam. It's in the bag. I've already memorized about 75% of it in the few hours of having it. I am just nervous about not making enough money in a little diner like that. I don't know how busy it gets but when I was there at noon, there were 2 tables. It's better than nothing and I truly loved it there. I always had a dream of serving at a little diner like that (don't ask why, I have no idea) so it might give me different things that the chain restaurants didn't.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

The Blonde (whose blog I absolutely adore, by the way) asked me to expand on me having my mother quit for me at my old job, and I thought it'd be a good story so here goes!

I had only been getting one shift a week at the restaurant and I experienced anxiety when working because I just couldn't get better. I kept getting weeded every shift and I knew that the staff saw me as a weak link. Well, I had been secretly evaluated one night and my manager very nicely told me that if  I don't get my act together in two weeks, i'd get canned. I spent the next week until my next shift driving myself ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. My anxiety about going back after they affirmed my thoughts about them thinking I sucked became too overwhelming, I missed classes and just kept inside my room.

Finally, the night before my shift, I called my mom at like 2 in the morning having a huge breakdown. The only thing that soothed me was her telling me to just quit. I didn't need the stress and my parents would help me financially. So the next day, I begged her to call them and quit for me. She had picked me up that morning and brought me back to my parents home (so my real home) so I was there when she did it. She got the asshole manager that was so rude to her and she lost her mind on him. She asked for the owners number and got into contact with her. She pretty much just said that I felt cornered and wasn't really given support even though I have diagnosed anxiety. The owner talked it out with my mom and my mom got me my job back (even though I didn't want it at the time though I would appreciate it later). It's not like my mom begged her, the owner told her that she totally understands and wanted me to come back if I wanted to.

Long story short, while that ended well, I think it ruined my chances of coming back.

Pray to the server gods that I get this job readers!


- A

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Who needs self-respect anyways?!

Ugh I've reached an all new low today, my friends.

So I spent the afternoon handing out resumes (I moved back out for school on Saturday) and it was so depressingly unsuccessful I did something stupid. It's like when you get super drunk and call your ex and beg them to get back together with you even though they broke up with you. It's just sad. Well I emailed the restaurant I worked at last school year and pretty much did the same.

When I had reached out to them at the beginning of August, they hadn't responded to my email, which I knew was a bad sign. I still called them a week later and pretty much told them I was interested in coming back blah blah. He had told me that they did more summer hiring than they anticipated so they might not be taking people back. He then said he'd let me know by the end of the week.

I sordove knew that was bullshit. I won't lie. I was a pretty shitty server when I was there. In my defence, I had little experience before that job and I only got one 3 hour shift a week. I had a really hard time developing any skills because I just wasn't doing it frequently enough. I even had a huge mental breakdown and had my mother quit for me on the spot. Which she did. And then the owner called and talked it out with my mother and they said that if I still wanted my job that I could take it. So I did and I finished up until summer.

So I totally understand why they wouldn't want me back. I'm not stupid. What I have described for you demonstrates how terrible I was there. BUT I HAVE CHANGED!

Working at my summer job made me a boss server!

So anyways, the end of the week came and I didn't hear from him. At this point I was a little irritated that he wasn't just being honest so I emailed him and just told him to let me know his decision and within the hour he emailed me back and rejected me.

I emailed him again today like a pathetic loser when I was feeling hopeless about finding another job. I acknowledged that my attempt seemed desperate but really told him how much I appreciated the job and that if he gave me a chance (if there was a position available), that I would work so hard to show him my improvement.

I feel like such a pathetic, clingy loser and I just needed to let it out. So thank you for reading, and feel free to judge me hahaha.

I'll let you know how it goes,


- A

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hakuna Matata

Hello readers (does anyone still read my blogs anymore?),

These last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful but that was exactly what I've needed. I have been resting, relaxing, seeing friends and family, cleaning up my room and getting ready to move out for school and catching up on Pokemon Go (don't knock it till you try it).

I feel ready to start school. I feel refreshed and eager to get back into a learning environment. I finished summer school with great marks so I feel pretty good about myself.

I got an email today from my University and found out that I made the Deans' List for this last year. I have always been a pretty average student so this was really exciting. My parents and siblings were super happy for me :).

So far we still do not have a roommate for the vacant room BUT I know someone looked at the house today and liked it so we might not get what we want and have the room stay vacant. I mean, at this point, I just have to stay positive and go with the flow. I am naturally very pessimistic so I have been trying to work on it. From what I hear, this person seems normal and respectable so that's good at least.

In terms of employment - I am still a bum! As soon as I move out on Saturday, I am hitting up all of the restaurants in my area. I know it's super late to be applying but hey, I got a job last year and I had applied at the beginning of October so hopefully the serving gods will be looking down on me again.

I hope everyone has been enjoying the last couple weeks of summer and are mentally preparing for the very busy labour day weekend!


- A

Monday, August 22, 2016

Officially Un-Employed

Well I have been finished work for about a week now and while I couldn't wait to get out of that place, I have become incredibly bored!

School is all finished as well and I have two more weeks until I move back out for school. I spent the weekend at a friend's cottage and that was really nice and relaxing. I had been looking forward to that for like a month so I'm sad that it's already over.

In other news, I was not offered a position at my old restaurant when I go back to school so I was super disappointed about that. It is so impossible to find a serving job for the school year because no one wants to hire someone that'll leave after the school year.

Well I will just need to stay positive and try to find a job as soon as I get out there.

Send me luck readers,


- A

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Holiday Tipper Strikes Again!

Tonight was mayhem as we were disgustingly short-staffed but that didn't stop me from getting the holiday tip once again!

Three women were sat in my section during the crazy dinner rush. They didn't strike me as anything as they seemed somewhat unkept. I honestly did not expect much from them. They were't waiting long but my manager greeted them anyways. I could tell he knew them (so they were regulars). I had taken their drink orders and before I had brought them back he had gotten their all you can eat salads. I knew he wasn't doing this because he thought I wasn't getting there in time. He was just being friendly with them because he knew them.

After I thanked him for taking care of them while I was getting caught up on other tables trying to pay he said "make sure to take awesome care of them because they will give you a fantastic tip". So I did. They were very sweet and patient anyways so it wasn't like it was difficult.

I genuinely enjoy waiting on people who are friendly and easy going. So if you go to a restaurant and you're service is bad... maybe you're an asshole.

Or maybe you just have a bad server.

Getting off track here...

So it comes time for them to settle up and their bill was 40 dollars. When I looked at the debit receipt it read:

Tip: $60.

Almost shit my pants. But then they told me that half was for the manager because he was wonderful. But still, 30 dollars on a 40 dollar bill is an AMAZING tip. I was so grateful.

So my message is this: never judge a book by its cover. Seriously. The nicest people come in all forms. And nasty people do too. Remember that.

Tomorrow is my last day at the restaurant and I must say that I am a little sad to be saying good bye to the staff. I have really grown to love a few of them.


- A

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

When You Get a Really Awesome Table

I know it's tacky to post twice in one day but the world will go on, right?

On Monday I worked a split and ended up pre-closing because someone called in sick. Near the end of the night I had two older women maybe in their early 30's who were just hilarious. Whenever I would go over, they would always talk to me and not in an annoying way when all you're thinking is "I couldn't care less and have other tables". I actually had a great time serving them.

They had both graduated in psychology (what I am in) so we were talking about careers and whatnot, including funny stories. It was just hilarious. The other servers noticed how much they were laughing with me and said they wish they had tables like mine.

I could sense my other table starting to get annoyed because they weren't getting any attention for like 5 minutes (boo hoo) so I paid them out and wrapped up with the two ladies.

It made me feel like more than a server. When I'm serving, that's usually all I feel I am being recognized as. Not a young woman, or a scholar, or a human being sometimes. They reminded me that there was more to me than just getting drinks and taking orders.

I doubt our paths would cross again since this is my last week but I would love it if I ever ran into those two down the road.


- A

Final Paper and New Roommates

Well these last 24 hours have really tested my limits.

I have my final paper (3000 words) due tonight at 9:00pm and of course I pre close at the restaurant. I spent yesterday filling out 100 pages of surveys that I then had to write the paper about. I feel a little crazy since I went to bed at 3:00 am and woke up at 9:00 am this morning to continue working. I cannot wait for this shit to be done. I am going to a friends cottage next weekend and I have been counting down the days until I am laying on a beach after an afternoon of reading and day drinking.

In other news, we are currently looking for a new roommate in our student house. I am not happy about this. Since we have moved in, it has been my boyfriend and our two friends from high school so it was very easy to live together. Now we are getting a stranger and every way that we run the house has to change. It's a long story.

I really hope my last year of university isn't ruined by some weirdo or trouble maker.

I'm over it.


- A

Friday, August 5, 2016

It's Official!

Well, it's official! I have put in my final notice at the restaurant.

My last day is next Saturday. Only 8 more days until freedom! I can't believe that the summer has already come and gone and while this job has created so much stress that it literally made me break down, I think I might miss it a bit. When you work in a place that is crazy, you really develop a bond with your workers. It's like a mutual understanding of how terrible the place is.

So here's to endings and new beginnings!


- A

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Fire Alarms Interrupted my Open

So today was the dreaded open-over-dinner but it really wasn't as bad. DEFINITELY not as bad as last night so I was pleased. I went in a little early because I like to take my time opening. I like to move slow and do my thing.

I was just about finished when he fire alarms all went off. This has never happened. There was only about 6 of us including the kitchen staff so we all grabbed our stuff and sat outside. The rest of the plaza had done the same.

Is it absolutely terrible that I was hoping that I finally got my wish and that the place was burning down? LOL.

So terrible. I know.

We waited for about 15 minutes and all made jokes about having the day off but sure enough we had to go back in and get on with the day.

Everything was fine and at a comfortable pace. I made 100 bucks in 7 hours which is crazy because yesterday, I made 100 in 3 and a half hours. I'm happy either way. I have 2 days left of my 6 day stretch and I'm not feeling too bad.'

I had a few great tables too. They were easy to serve, super pleasant and seemed to enjoy having me take care of them for the night. It left me feeling good about myself.

There has also been gossip flying around the restaurant. I feel like that happens everywhere though. It's a little juicy and a guilty pleasure of mine to hear what's been going on. Unfortunately, I'm friends with both groups that are having the issues so I'm team Switzerland. I'm trying to stay out of it but sometimes my mouth starts moving before my brain tells it to shut up lol.

I hope your Saturday tips rock tonight!

- A

Friday, July 29, 2016

"The Owner asked to be Seated in Your Section"

It was at that moment that I wanted to evaporate.

So we were expecting it to be dead tonight because it's a long weekend. We only had 5 servers on when we usually have 8 or 9. We got slammed after the manager went down to THREE servers. I had 7 tables at once which is insane for my place and the kitchen was so backed up. It was just the crap I only have nightmares about coming true right before my eyes.

As if shit couldn't get any worse, the owner came in with his family and sat in my section. I have never served him before and I was so nervous I was literally shaking. I didn't really know how to approach it. Would I just go and they would order without a second thought?

Well he made it clear when he told me to go through all of the steps of service.

I froze like a deer in headlights and couldn't even utter a word. If I wasn't so busy with other tables, I would have managed it better. But I had 6 tables to look after not including them. I just straight up told him that I don't do well under pressure and I was incredibly nervous. He eventually accepted that I was a lost cause and just went through the motions. My co-workers now know my pre-anxiety attack face and helped me so much when they could. Even just telling me that I got this and not to stress. Even my manager was like "just do your best, who cares! You are only here for the summer so don't even worry". It really helped to know that people had my back.

And I rang in gluten free penne for the owners dish instead of regular penne. We serve all of our GF food on bright green plates so it's not like I could have hid it. After I rang it in I went to the kitchen and told them that I made the mistake and they gave me shit because I waited like 10 minutes to tell them. Luckily I was looking over what I rang in or else I wouldn't have even caught it at all.

I just got in for the night and I have to open tomorrow morning so I need to be at the restaurant in less than 12 hours. That is so depressing considering how crazy tonight was. I made $100 and really need the money but hopefully it isn't as crazy tomorrow.


- gossip girl

- A

6 Day Stretch

Hey guys,

I'm in the middle of a 6 day work streak and can't help but start feeling cranky. Tonight is an easier shift. Im not a split or a pre or pre close but tomorrow I open the restaurant and work all the way through the dinner rush. I hate that shift so much and I have to do another one on Monday so I just don't feel too hopeful.

Luckily I will be quitting for August 18th so its coming up. I just need to hang in there and get through these next couple of weeks. I think I might continue blogging throughout the school year. I plan on working at the restaurant I worked at during the last school year so I'm thinking about it.

I'm going to a friends cottage on the 19th for the whole weekend with my boyfriend and a bunch of our friends so I am literally counting down the days since I feel like I haven't gotten a break all summer.

Thanks for the read,


- A

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tuesday Night Blues

Hello peeps,

I had made it through my first 5 day in a row work week with a breeze. The only thing that sucked is that our air conditioning in the restaurant isn't working and we are in the middle of a crazy heat wave.  I was dripping sweat, it was so gross and uncomfortable. I got a weird heat rash on my thighs and I'm sure that our jean pants uniform isn't helping the cause.

So I have been at the restaurant for just about 3 months now and I am considered one of the older staff members because people are quitting all of the time. Since I have started, I can name 11 people that have left the restaurant. It really makes you wonder how shitty this place is. I would never consider working here long-term. I could hardly handle 4 months of summer.

I don't have any funny, cute or horrible customer stories for you. I found my customers to actually be mostly pleasant to serve. I have also started finding my place with my co-workers. I always feel out of place or awkward but now I am able to engage with everyone and sit at the bar with them after my shift ends.

Making a couple of friends has made working there a lot better too :).

So I have been enjoying my two days off before starting another 5 day streak of work. It feels like a depressing Sunday night when Monday looms around the corner. My uniform is in the washing machine and I have to wash the beach out of my hair.

Thanks for reading (if you are),

- A

Friday, July 15, 2016

Just a Little Update

Hey friends,

I am just writing this blog to let you know how I have been doing since my last post. I am happy to report that I have been feeling a lot better. My two hard courses have ended (and I have started a newer, easier one) and work has been a bit better. My favourite manager who seems to be one of the best when it comes to handling the rush and helping servers got back from vacation and I feel so much better when she is managing the shift. As a result, work has been a bit less stressful.

Of course my anxiety can't evaporate over night but it has reduced to a level that I can tolerate and manage to continue living my normal daily life.

Thanks for all of your kind words and support, it really means a lot to have someone take the time out  of their day to not only read my blogs but give me encouragement when I feel like I can't stand on my two feet.

I work a lot this weekend so I am sure I will have a good story for you guys by the end of it.

Later days,

- A

Monday, July 11, 2016


Hey readers, if there even are any,

I am writing this post in an attempt to help calm my nerves and mind. I have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember and it likes to come and go periodically. These last couple weeks of work have been the worst. On Friday night it got so bad that I had an anxiety attack in the middle of my shift and had to go stand by the dumpsters as I hyperventilated and cried hysterically. It was embarrassing to have my co-workers see me like that.
My shifts on Saturday and Sunday caused so much stress and anxiety that I just sat in the parking lot after my shift ended because I couldn't even drive I was so worked up.
I know you probably think "then just quit your job if its that bad". I can't. I am only at this place for 2 more months and then I go away to school. I won't be able to find a job and make money (which I REALLY need) for the last 2 months of summer so I am stuck there. On top of it all school has been really stressful as well. I have been getting through it but this week has just been my breaking point. On top of that, I have been having a bit of home issues as well.

Everything combined has just made me feel incredibly defeated and I just want to give up and say f*ck everything. I want to just lay in my bed for hours and not do anything.

But I can't.

I'm sorry that this post is so depressing and is just me with my scattered thoughts rambling but it just feels better writing down my thoughts. It makes it feel real and may even help me to release some of the stress.

If you're reading this and have struggled or are struggling with mental health issues I just want to say, I get it. It f*cking sucks being your own worst enemy or thinking about something over and over and over and over causing you to stress out until you can't even bear the thought of facing it. You're not alone. I'm not alone.

But getting through the rough patch is like when you start getting out of the weeds at work. You feel like you climbed a mountain and even though it was the hardest thing ever, you forget the struggle as soon as you see the amazing view.

I will get to the top of this mountain soon, and you will too.


- A

Friday, July 8, 2016

Christmas in July

I had heard of the holiday tip but I thought it was only an urban legend.

If you don't know what I am talking about, the holiday tip is (usually around the holidays) when a very generous guest gives you an amazing tip. I'm talking over 50%. I was having a terrible day. I spent the day finishing my 28 page paper that was due tonight at 11 and then pre-closed at 5:45. I was having really bad anxiety throughout the day and out of nowhere a couple with two little boys left me a 40 dollar tip on a 60 dollar bill. I looked at her and asked if she meant to type in 4 dollars on the machine and she smiled and said "No. that's all for you. You were wonderful".

I actually cried at their table. I just wasn't expecting it.

I hope the holiday tipper finds you on a shitty day too, fellow servers,

- A

Monday, July 4, 2016

I Gave Table 11 a Shower

Well it finally happened.

I was dropping four waters off at my table and didn't think about how I was taking them off of my tray (rookie mistake) and my tray flipped and the water dumped all over me, my table and my customers.

This was the first time I have ever done that and I was already close to being in the weeds and I just wanted to melt into a puddle. They were super nice about it. They were foreign and spoke so softly and proper with their accents even after the spill. Of course they still had their menus so everything was soaked.

The father was really nice about it, but the mother looked at me like I was a cockroach and it made me feel almost ashamed. I know it isn't good but I pretty much avoided them as much as I could for the rest of the time I have been there.

I have been so stressed with school this week that I go into work extra-stressed and I feel like bad things just keep happening to me, like I can't catch a break.

The other night, my one table had a huge chunk of spaghetti stuck together and it took forever for the kitchen to fix it, then someone stole one of my dishes for another table so it took double the time to make the thing that someone else took. I was so angry I took the time to hunt them down and give them shit for not reading the ticket. I had four seniors with a grandchild and they were trying to nickel and dime everything and had a bunch of MOD's on their senior meals.

I just need a break. I am officially halfway through my summer break which means I am halfway through working there.

My your trays be balanced and your modified dishes be made right the first time,

- A

Friday, July 1, 2016

One Generous Tip Turned my Night Around

If you have been reading my blogs (or just my last one at least), you know that I am incredibly stressed with work and school right now. I worked a split today and my friend had said she wanted to work tonight to make money. I offered my night shift and told her how swamped I am with homework but she ended up saying she didn't want to take it because she thought it would be dead (AKA she would make no money). I was irritated but let it go. Today is also Canada day (as I am in Canada) and we all sordove expected it to be dead because people usually go away for the long weekend. It was pretty busy! I got a 10 top and three additional tables (which felt like death).

My party was so incredibly demanding and slightly rude when I was not able to bring them their bottomless salads and bread ASAP. I wish some customers would understand that they are not the servers only table. I was trying my best to get everything out because my other smaller tables were trying to pay and get out of there.

Throughout their dinner, the party started to ease up a little and they began being more polite and patient. I think they started understanding that I wasn't being lazy. I was actually very busy and doing the best I could. Their bill came to about $150 and it was on one bill. I had completed his transaction and had seen that he tipped me 25 dollars. Not the best but not the worst. I felt a bit defeated, hoping I would have gotten more.

I had left the table a mess for a few minutes while I tended to some new tables when the host came up to me and handed me a twenty dollar bill. I asked her where it was from and she told me it was from the party. They tipped me 30% (don't fail me now, mental math). I wanted to cry.

I have been so unbelievably stressed these last few days with work and school piling up. I have taken it out on my boyfriend and family and I've just felt so defeated. I am a poor student trying to pay for school and I was so grateful that they gave me such a huge tip.

I don't really know if there is a moral to the story...

- just keep pushing through
- do your best and don't beat yourself up
- love and be kind to yourself
- refill salads 10 times even when you want to scream

I guess all of those work.

I'd say enjoy your long weekend but I am sure you are working every day just like me ;)

- A

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Will The Madness Ever End?!

I have three papers due next week and I work every day for the rest of the week.

Paper one: 3 pages (not bad)
Paper two: 1500 - 2000 words (doable)
Paper three: 6500 words (WHAT?)

I am trying to tackle the third paper right now and as I am working through it, I can't stop thinking about how I will hardly be able to work on them after tomorrow because I work 2 split shifts this weekend  and a pre-close (hello tips, goodbye GPA). I haven't even begun to look at the first two papers.

Why is being a student so difficult? It's summer school so these courses are moving super quick so trying to be on top of it plus work at least four shifts a week has been getting really over-whelming. The restaurant asked me to pick up a shift today and tomorrow and I told them I could do tomorrow (which I am starting to regret), but hopefully the tips will be good and make up for it. I worked on Monday night and it was so busy. Apparently it has been like that all week so they are trying to add staff to the floor. This is the second last week of these courses though and after that I will be starting a new one but thankfully it will only be one course. I think it'll be a lot more manageable.

So while I sit in this chair for the next 6 hours, please say a prayer to the paper gods for me!

- A

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Double Shift = Double Money? NOPE!

I have always called a Sunday in the restaurant business 'shitshow Sunday' because it can either be completely dead or insanely busy. It's super hard to schedule for a Sunday so if the restaurant gets slammed, you can get weeded pretty easily.

I worked the double today and it was completely dead! I served only three tables at lunch and maybe 6 at dinner. I made a whopping 55 dollars (because that'll pay rent). I got cut pretty early and I am wondering if my manager did it out of spite because I had asked her if my section had changed (she might have thought I was complaining that I was not cut). There is nothing worse than not knowing that your section had changed and you just walked past a table for 10 minutes thinking they were someone else's. The walk of shame to the table after realizing it is always the worst. I didn't want to get cut, I really need the money this week.

Other than that, the night was fine. I didn't get overly stressed (something I battle with constantly) and I stayed on top of my stuff. I was even assigned to my favourite side duty so that made finishing up easier.

There was one time that I wanted to put my foot in my mouth tonight, though. I usually do something stupid at least once a shift (because I am clumsy and socially awkward to the point of physical pain). I had a table of four order 4 cokes and when I was putting them down I joked and said 'just call me the coke fairy!' As soon as I said it I knew how inappropriate it sounded. I shrivelled up and walked away.

Note to self: just stop talking

As always,

- A

Friday, June 24, 2016

I Will Survive!

I survived my shift tonight!

I have been off for 5 days and it is always hard coming back after a break. I went to work feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest but guess what? It wasn't that bad! I had a party of 9 and 3 other tables at the same time (which a lot my laugh at) but that is a big deal for me. I stayed calm, cool and collected.

I get scared when I find out I have a party of more than 7 people.

When I had first started serving when I was 19, I was thrown into doing a party of 15. They were middle-aged women, were constantly changing seats and had like 6 different bills and I just got in the weeds and they called me names that I won't repeat here but let's just say that it's been three years since that and I still get nervous for parties.

Tonight was good though. The party flagged down my GM and told her how fantastic I was. My other manager even pulled me aside today and told me he has noticed my improvement. It's funny how someone taking a minute out of their day to tell you something like that can make you feel wonderful!

Give it a try. Tell a co-worker that they kick ass! You never know, they could be having a bad day and that may impact them more than you realize.

Pay it forward!

Good luck to everyone starting the work week (AKA Friday-Sunday in the restaurant world),

- A

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Still New? That's alright! You Can Pre-Close This Weekend!

So I think the title says it all...

I just saw the schedule for next week and I was shocked to see that I will be pre-closing one night next weekend. It might be because a lot of people have booked the long weekend off but I still am confused because we all know I pretty much suck at serving. I get stressed when I have 4 or more tables (I know, don't judge me) but the restaurant I am working at is very demanding in terms of refills so I have been told that 4 tables there is like 6 tables in normal restaurants. I think it's also important to note that I have been no later than the third server cut during my shifts so a pre-close seems like a big jump.

Sometimes I wonder why I stick with serving. I hate going to work everyday and feel EXTREME anxiety leading up to shifts. I am a weak server and know it along with everyone else but I keep trying to stick with it. Why do I do it to myself? The money is great and I am a student but at what point will I think my mental health is worth more than a big tip?

Maybe once I graduate and get a job? Who knows! This world is big and crazy and full of surprises.

Thanks for reading this ranty blog,

- A

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Can You Work Tomorrow?

So I have been surviving the dreaded graduation season.

This week has been crazy. I work 5 shifts this week (2 which are doubles) and have 3 papers due at the end of the week. I am just about to start the first paper that is due tomorrow night. Upon sitting down to start working, my manager texted me and asked me if I could work at noon tomorrow (on top of my dinner shift). I find it hard to pick up shifts because I am also trying to balance school but they are constantly asking me to pick up shifts and I feel like every time I say no, they get a little angry.

So here I am, stuck between a rock and a hard place. Pick up a shift and give up time to do my papers or piss off my employers and get my homework done?

I just wish things could run smoothly but that never seems to be the case.

I hope your enjoying your week, friends!

- A

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tuition, Rent and Double Shifts

Hello readers (hopefully?)!

I have decided to start blogging about my experiences as a university student trying to put myself through school by serving tables. I got the motivation to start blogging after having a nightmare of a shift (I contemplated leaving half way through from the stress) and turned to the internet to read about other servers horror stories.

A little history about my restaurant career...

I had started off as a host in a busy restaurant when I was 17 or 18 years old and had began serving tables 2 years later. 2 years down the road, I continue to serve while living away at school and now, while I have returned home for the summer. I had gotten this serving job because my best friend was a server there and assured me that they would hire me for the summer (it was so hard to find a serving job that would only take me for 4 months) so I could not decline. I have just finished my third year in university and while I continue to do summer school, I am serving and volunteering. 

When my friend told me she could get me the job, she warned me that it is incredibly stressful, knowing that I have always struggled with severe stress and anxiety while serving. I assured her that it was probably no different than the other places I have served and that I would probably be used to it.

I could not be more wrong.

So here I am, almost half way through the summer. I have 2 and a half more months at this restaurant and I wonder if I will make it to the end.

If you are still reading (bless you), I feel like it is because you can connect in some way. This blog will be about my stressors, horror stories, successes and other general stories surrounding life in the restaurant in an attempt to maintain my sanity. 

- A