Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hakuna Matata

Hello readers (does anyone still read my blogs anymore?),

These last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful but that was exactly what I've needed. I have been resting, relaxing, seeing friends and family, cleaning up my room and getting ready to move out for school and catching up on Pokemon Go (don't knock it till you try it).

I feel ready to start school. I feel refreshed and eager to get back into a learning environment. I finished summer school with great marks so I feel pretty good about myself.

I got an email today from my University and found out that I made the Deans' List for this last year. I have always been a pretty average student so this was really exciting. My parents and siblings were super happy for me :).

So far we still do not have a roommate for the vacant room BUT I know someone looked at the house today and liked it so we might not get what we want and have the room stay vacant. I mean, at this point, I just have to stay positive and go with the flow. I am naturally very pessimistic so I have been trying to work on it. From what I hear, this person seems normal and respectable so that's good at least.

In terms of employment - I am still a bum! As soon as I move out on Saturday, I am hitting up all of the restaurants in my area. I know it's super late to be applying but hey, I got a job last year and I had applied at the beginning of October so hopefully the serving gods will be looking down on me again.

I hope everyone has been enjoying the last couple weeks of summer and are mentally preparing for the very busy labour day weekend!


- A

Monday, August 22, 2016

Officially Un-Employed

Well I have been finished work for about a week now and while I couldn't wait to get out of that place, I have become incredibly bored!

School is all finished as well and I have two more weeks until I move back out for school. I spent the weekend at a friend's cottage and that was really nice and relaxing. I had been looking forward to that for like a month so I'm sad that it's already over.

In other news, I was not offered a position at my old restaurant when I go back to school so I was super disappointed about that. It is so impossible to find a serving job for the school year because no one wants to hire someone that'll leave after the school year.

Well I will just need to stay positive and try to find a job as soon as I get out there.

Send me luck readers,


- A

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Holiday Tipper Strikes Again!

Tonight was mayhem as we were disgustingly short-staffed but that didn't stop me from getting the holiday tip once again!

Three women were sat in my section during the crazy dinner rush. They didn't strike me as anything as they seemed somewhat unkept. I honestly did not expect much from them. They were't waiting long but my manager greeted them anyways. I could tell he knew them (so they were regulars). I had taken their drink orders and before I had brought them back he had gotten their all you can eat salads. I knew he wasn't doing this because he thought I wasn't getting there in time. He was just being friendly with them because he knew them.

After I thanked him for taking care of them while I was getting caught up on other tables trying to pay he said "make sure to take awesome care of them because they will give you a fantastic tip". So I did. They were very sweet and patient anyways so it wasn't like it was difficult.

I genuinely enjoy waiting on people who are friendly and easy going. So if you go to a restaurant and you're service is bad... maybe you're an asshole.

Or maybe you just have a bad server.

Getting off track here...

So it comes time for them to settle up and their bill was 40 dollars. When I looked at the debit receipt it read:

Tip: $60.

Almost shit my pants. But then they told me that half was for the manager because he was wonderful. But still, 30 dollars on a 40 dollar bill is an AMAZING tip. I was so grateful.

So my message is this: never judge a book by its cover. Seriously. The nicest people come in all forms. And nasty people do too. Remember that.

Tomorrow is my last day at the restaurant and I must say that I am a little sad to be saying good bye to the staff. I have really grown to love a few of them.


- A

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

When You Get a Really Awesome Table

I know it's tacky to post twice in one day but the world will go on, right?

On Monday I worked a split and ended up pre-closing because someone called in sick. Near the end of the night I had two older women maybe in their early 30's who were just hilarious. Whenever I would go over, they would always talk to me and not in an annoying way when all you're thinking is "I couldn't care less and have other tables". I actually had a great time serving them.

They had both graduated in psychology (what I am in) so we were talking about careers and whatnot, including funny stories. It was just hilarious. The other servers noticed how much they were laughing with me and said they wish they had tables like mine.

I could sense my other table starting to get annoyed because they weren't getting any attention for like 5 minutes (boo hoo) so I paid them out and wrapped up with the two ladies.

It made me feel like more than a server. When I'm serving, that's usually all I feel I am being recognized as. Not a young woman, or a scholar, or a human being sometimes. They reminded me that there was more to me than just getting drinks and taking orders.

I doubt our paths would cross again since this is my last week but I would love it if I ever ran into those two down the road.


- A

Final Paper and New Roommates

Well these last 24 hours have really tested my limits.

I have my final paper (3000 words) due tonight at 9:00pm and of course I pre close at the restaurant. I spent yesterday filling out 100 pages of surveys that I then had to write the paper about. I feel a little crazy since I went to bed at 3:00 am and woke up at 9:00 am this morning to continue working. I cannot wait for this shit to be done. I am going to a friends cottage next weekend and I have been counting down the days until I am laying on a beach after an afternoon of reading and day drinking.

In other news, we are currently looking for a new roommate in our student house. I am not happy about this. Since we have moved in, it has been my boyfriend and our two friends from high school so it was very easy to live together. Now we are getting a stranger and every way that we run the house has to change. It's a long story.

I really hope my last year of university isn't ruined by some weirdo or trouble maker.

I'm over it.


- A

Friday, August 5, 2016

It's Official!

Well, it's official! I have put in my final notice at the restaurant.

My last day is next Saturday. Only 8 more days until freedom! I can't believe that the summer has already come and gone and while this job has created so much stress that it literally made me break down, I think I might miss it a bit. When you work in a place that is crazy, you really develop a bond with your workers. It's like a mutual understanding of how terrible the place is.

So here's to endings and new beginnings!


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